How to measure website performance using KPIs

How to measure website performance using KPIs

If you have a website, you probably want to know how well it is performing. But what does that mean exactly? And how can you find out?

There are two primary approaches to evaluate the performance of your website: measurement and monitoring. While both are essential, they serve distinct purposes and employ different techniques.

Measuring your website’s performance

Measuring the performance of your website involves the collection and analysis of data regarding its behaviour across different conditions and scenarios. This may include assessing the loading speed of your website, the number of visitors it draws, their interactions with your content, and conversion rates.

Monitoring your website’s performance 

Monitoring the performance of your website involves regularly verifying that it operates effectively and consistently. This includes monitoring its online status, identifying any errors or bugs, ensuring its security against cyber threats, and confirming that it fulfils business and user expectations.

Tools to measure and monitor your websites performance 

Both measuring and monitoring are essential for the optimisation of your website’s performance and the enhancement of user experience. However, these processes involve distinct tools and techniques.

Tools to measure your website’s performance

In order to measure the performance of your website, it is essential to utilise tools that gather and analyse data from multiple sources, including web analytics, user feedback, A/B testing, and conversion tracking. Such tools provide valuable insights into your website’s effectiveness regarding speed, usability, user engagement, and conversion rates.

Tools that we recommend 

• Google Analytics

• Google PageSpeed Insights.

• Google Search Console.

• Semrush.

• Uptrends

• WebPageTest

Tools to monitor your website’s performance

In order to monitor the performance of your website, it is essential to utilise tools that can identify and notify you of any problems or irregularities that may impact the functionality and accessibility of your website. Such tools are instrumental in guaranteeing that your website operates efficiently and securely at all times.

Tools that we recommend 

• Google Analytics

• Hotjar

• Crazyegg

• Mouseflow

• Pingdom

To conclude

In conclusion, measuring and monitoring are not interchangeable terms when it comes to website performance. Rather, they serve as complementary strategies that can assist in achieving your website objectives and enhancing user experience. Employing both techniques is essential for obtaining a comprehensive understanding of your website’s performance, thereby enabling you to make well-informed data-driven decisions for its improvement.

If you would like to learn more about how we can help your website performance, contact us at jake@jccreativesolutions.co.uk or call us on 07968 112871.