Optimising lead generation with UX psychology

Optimising lead generation with UX psychology

Learn how to leverage the benefits of UX design psychology in your website, driving conversions and meeting customer intentions with our six top tips and UX design principles.

What Is UX Design Psychology?

UX design psychology refers to the process of shaping meaningful user interactions with your products and services by considering the thoughts and behaviours of your potential customers. It involves analysing existing design psychology studies and principles before utilising elements of the findings to improve your website or product user experience. 

The minds of your customers play an essential role in how they consume and filter information. Understand meaning, take action and remember your customer experiences. By designing for how they think and feel, you can craft a user experience that influences decision making, builds memorable connections and essentially drives further conversion rates.

The benefits of psychology in UX design

  • Enhanced user experience
  • Increased customer insights
  • Customer loyalty
  • Trust building
  • Emotional connection to your brand

Below, we outline six top tips, showing the best ways to leverage psychology in your website UX design.

Tip 1. Reduce decisions needed to complete an action

Hick’s Law states that the more choices a person has available to them, the longer it will take for them to make an informed decision.

It is essential to reduce the number of options or steps your visitors must take when journeying through your website or product. This way, you will help visitors find what they need as quickly as possible, limiting bounce rates and streamlining the strategic steps required for your desired conversions. 

Tip 2. Provide social proof 

Social proof is the principle that people adapt their behaviours based on the actions of others. The greater the consensus of others, the more appealing that step looks to a customer. This can be demonstrated by presenting specific case studies, customer testimonials, reviews, social media and trust badges. 

Tip 3. Progressive disclosure 

In UI/UX design progressive disclosure refers to a strategy aimed at simplifying the user experience by gradually and selectively revealing relevant information based on the users interest and level of engagement. This is done by critically reducing user overload by presenting only essential information, facilitating navigation, and improving the overall usability and experience of your website or digital product.

Tip 4. Fine-tune user benefits 

Users won’t be engaged or interested in your service or product unless it can benefit them in one of following ways:

  • Solve a problem
  • Address a need
  • Do something to make them feel better

It is essential to dig deep into your user persona’s to understand their pains, motivations, and end goals.

Tip 5. Accessible web design  

A truly user-friendly website is accessible to everyone, regardless of ability. 

When building websites and creating digital products, it is easy to miss a crucial element – user experience mapping for people with physical, cognitive, literacy or language challenges. With increasing expectations for consumers to interact with your business online, it becomes more and more important that you make the effort to bring your digital presence up to speed.

Explore the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) that provides a valuable framework for designing and developing websites that can be used by people with disabilities. 

Tip 6. Enhancing user engagement through personalisation 

Personalisation refers to the practice of customising a users experience through content, services, or products to meet the specific preferences and needs of those users. It involves leveraging data and technology to deliver highly targeted and relevant interactions, making your customers feel valued.


By following these 6 principles, you can create intuitive and impactful user experiences on your website or product. No one can predict exactly how specific users will react to your website, but if you follow these guidelines, you put yourself in a position to find out.

At JC Creative, we’re here to help your business capture the benefits of user psychology and unlock the potential of great user experience. From the initial discovery of potential pain points to strategy building, site design, testing and evaluation, we’re with you every step of the way. We work with you to ensure that we are representing your brand and maximising your conversion rates.

For more information on how to maximise lead generation with user experience psychology contact us at jake@jccreativesolutions.co.uk or call us on 07968 112871.